Baseline Models

The models presented here are considered “baseline” in the sense that they do not add features such as grouping variables, covariates, or outcomes. These are the simplest versions of LCA, LPA, mixed indicator models, and LTA. If you are new to LCA and LTA, this is a great place to get started!

Grouping Variable Models

The models presented here add grouping variables to “baseline” models. Code for models with and without measurement invariance across groups is available, as is code for different types of measurement invariance available with LPA.

Covariate Models

The models presented here add covariates/predictors to “baseline” models. Code is available for model-based approaches (i.e., one-step approaches) and for classify-analyze approaches (i.e., 3-step approaches).

Outcome Models

The models presented here add outcomes to “baseline” models. Code is available for an adjusted classify-analyze approach (i.e., adjusted 3-step approach AKA the BCH approach) with and without additional control variables in the outcome analysis.

Multilevel Models

The models presented here are for 2-level, multilevel latent class analysis. Code for marginal approaches and conditional approaches are available.

Longitudinal Models

The models presented here require longitudinal data (i.e., data that are collected at two or more occasions). Code is available for models such as LTA, repeated measures LCA (RMLCA), and associative latent transition analysis (ALTA), among others.

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