The models presented here include indicators all or some of which have categorical response options.
LCA: Baseline LCA with 3+ level categorical indicators
Description This code fits a longitudinal latent class model, using categorical indicators with 3+ levels, to identify latent classes indicated by multidimensional experiences of racism and heterosexism during the transition to adulthood among sexual minority men of color. This code corresponds to the research paper titled “Intersecting racism and homonegativism among sexual minority men of color: Latent class analysis of multidimensional stigma with subgroup differences in health and sociostructural burdens” published in Social Science & Medicine in 2022. The paper can be found here: Software Downloads Mplus Model Features Model Category Your Content Goes Here Model Type Your Content...
LCA: Baseline LCA with all binary indicators
This code fits a 4-class, baseline, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. This code also plots the item-response probabilities using a line graph.
LCA: Latent Class Moderation
Description This code demonstrates how to use a latent class moderator to examine heterogeneity in intervention effects among adolescents receiving treatment for cannabis use. First, the code identifies latent classes of contextual and individual risk at baseline using LCA. Then, it uses an adjusted 3-step approach with BCH weights to regress the outcomes on level of care, latent class membership, the interaction between them, and covariates. This code corresponds to the research paper titled “Estimating the Effects of a Complex, Multidimensional Moderator: An Example of Latent Class Moderation to Examine Differential Intervention Effects of Substance Use Services” published in Prevention...
LCA: LCA with a covariate (1-step approach)
Description This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using a model-based approach (1-step approach). It includes a covariate for grades in the model. Software Downloads Latent Gold Mplus SAS Stata Exercise Exercise 5 This exercise asks you to use a model-based approach (1-step approach) to add a covariate for grades to a 4-class model for marijuana use and attitudes that uses 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. You have to carefully consider what latent class to use as the reference class in the multinomial logistic regression. You may wish to standardize the grades...
LCA: LCA with a covariate and a grouping variable (1-step approach)
Description This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using a model-based approach (1-step approach). It includes a covariate for grades and a grouping variable for year in the model. Software Downloads Latent Gold SAS Exercise Exercise 5 This exercise asks you to use a model-based approach (1-step approach) to add a covariate for grades and a grouping variable for year to a 4-class model for marijuana use and attitudes that uses 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. You have to carefully consider what latent class to use as the reference class in the...
LCA: LCA with a grouping variable and measurement invariance
This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. It includes a grouping variable for year, and observations came from 3 different years.
LCA: LCA with a grouping variable and without measurement variance
Description This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. It includes a grouping variable for year, and observations came from 3 different years. Measurement invariance across groups is not imposed resulting in an unrestricted latent class model with multiple groups. Software Downloads Latent Gold Mplus SAS Stata Exercise Exercise 4 This exercise asks you to add a grouping variable for year to a 4-class model for marijuana use and attitudes that uses 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. It asks you to fit a model...
LTA: Baseline LTA with 2 times, all binary indicators, and measurement invariance
This code fits a 2-time, 5-class, latent-transition model for delinquency over time using 6 binary indicators of the latent class variable. Measurement invariance across time is imposed such that analogous item-response probabilities within classes are restricted to be equal to each other across times.
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