The models presented here include indicators all or some of which have continuous responses.
LPA: Baseline LPA with all continuous indicators
This code fits a 5-class, baseline, latent-profile model for the “Big 5” personality traits using 5 continuous indicators of the latent class variable.
LPA: Baseline LPA with all continuous indicators and a covariate
Description This code fits a baseline, latent-profile model for the “Big 5” personality traits using 5 continuous indicators of the latent class variable and biological sex as a covariate. Software Downloads Latent Gold Mplus Exercise Exercise 6 This exercise asks you to select and interpret a latent profile model for the “Big 5” personality traits using 5 continuous indicators of the latent class variable as well as add a covariate for biological sex. Then, it asks you to interpret all parameters in the model. Note that, by default in most software packages, the variances of the indicators are restricted to...
LPA: Baseline LPA with all continuous indicators and a grouping variable with measurement invariance
Description This code fits a baseline, latent-profile model for the “Big 5” personality traits using 5 continuous indicators of the latent class variable and biological sex as the grouping variable. It also imposes measurement invariance across the groups. Software Downloads Latent Gold Mplus Exercise Exercise 6 This exercise asks you to select and interpret a latent profile model for the “Big 5” personality traits using 5 continuous indicators of the latent class variable as well as add a grouping variable for biological sex. Then, it asks you to interpret all parameters in the model. Please be sure to impose measurement...
Multilevel LPA: Baseline two-level LPA with classes at level 1 and level 2
Description This code fits a 2-level latent-profile model using a “non-parametric approach” to identify mother-father-adolescent relationship structures and dynamics on a daily basis. This code corresponds to the research paper titled “Triadic Family Structures and Their Day-to-Day Dynamics From an Adolescent Perspective: A Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis” published in Fam Process in 2022. Note that there is an important difference between the code available here and the exact code used to fit the model in the paper: in the code available here the measurement model is freely estimated, whereas in the paper the measurement model was fixed. The paper can...
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