
This code fits a 4-class, latent-class model for marijuana use and attitudes using a model-based approach (1-step approach). It includes a covariate for grades in the model.

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Exercise 5

This exercise asks you to use a model-based approach (1-step approach) to add a covariate for grades to a 4-class model for marijuana use and attitudes that uses 7 binary indicators of the latent class variable. You have to carefully consider what latent class to use as the reference class in the multinomial logistic regression. You may wish to standardize the grades variable to facilitate interpretation of the odds ratios. It is recommended that you complete the exercise for the baseline LCA with all binary indicators model before completing this exercise.

Model Features

Model Category
Model Type
Indicator Type
Available Software
Measurement Invariance

Not Applicable

Approach to Outcomes

Not Applicable


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