LCA Covariates 3-Step macro:
%LCA_Covariates_3Step macro (v. 1.0)
Example code and data:
%LCA_Covariates_3Step example files
Users’ Guide:
%LCA_Covariates_3Step Users’ Guide (v. 1.0)
Need Help?
See section 4.2 of the Users’ Guide for instructions on preparing to run the macro. Consult our FAQ for questions about LCA.
The SAS %LCA_Covariates_3Step macro estimates the association between covariates and latent class membership. The macro requires PROC LCA (version 1.3.2 or higher) and SAS (version 9.1 or higher).
The SAS %LCA_Covariates_3Step macro estimates the association between covariates and latent class membership using the approach of Bolck, Croon, and Hagenaars (2004), as adapted by Vermunt (2010) and Vermunt and Magidson (2015). It is a “three-step” (noninclusive) approach, which can be more flexible and robust than the “one-step” approach implemented in PROC LCA’s COVARIATES statement.
Read about latent class analysis.
Recommended Citations
LCA_Covariates_3Step SAS Macro (Version 1.0) [Software]. (2020). University Park: The Methodology Center, Penn State.
Dziak, J. J., Bray, B. C., & Wagner, A. T. (2020). LCA_Covariates_3Step SAS macro users’ guide (Version 1.0). University Park, PA: The Methodology Center, Penn State.

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